How You Benefit From Exercising Regularly

Most people are aware that leading a sedentary lifestyle can be detrimental to their health, but very few people do much to change that. They sit for long hours at their desk (because they have no option not to), and convince themselves that with the hectic lives they lead, there is no time to fit in an exercise regimen into their daily schedule.

The benefits of exercise

The fact is that lack of regular exercise can do irrevocable harm to your health and lead to very serious conditions such as diabetes, heart problems, and stroke. Simply put, exercise is something you shouldn’t put on the backburner. There are a number of benefits to exercising regularly such as:

#1 Psychological

Once you have done a decent amount of exercise, the endorphins that rush through your body make you feel great and put you in a great mood. And the good news is that 30 minutes of medium-intensity exercise per day is all it takes to give you this feel-good factor.

#2 Helps manage weight

When you exercise; you burn calories which helps you lose weight. If you include some form of exercise into your day, it will help you manage your weight. It also means, you don’t have to feel guilty about those little food indiscretions that can occur like when you see a particularly delectable pastry or treat lying in the refrigerator.

#3 Keeps illnesses and diseases at bay

We all want to live a healthy life and exercising regularly is one way to do that. It can help prevent depression, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, heart disease and stroke, arthritis and some types of cancer too. Certain forms of exercise can help you build core strength and maintain your center of gravity. In fact, exercising is also a great way of keeping those niggling aches and pains at bay.

#4 Improves your appearance

Exercise helps you carry yourself better, gives you a better posture and strengthens your muscles and bones. All of this helps improve your appearance. Exercising also helps you achieve a well-toned body and glowing skin.

#5 Improves your sex life

Regular physical activity can result in better arousal for both men and women. They are far less likely to have sexual problems compared to people that slouch at a desk or lie on the couch throughout the day.

#6 Better sleep

When your muscles get sufficient exercise, it automatically makes your body yearn for sleep. Regular exercise can help with stress-related or obesity-related sleep disorders and can help you sleep better.

#7 Energetic

People that don’t exercise feel lethargic and don’t show too much inclination to anything apart from the things they do regularly. However, when you exercise that helps improve blood circulation and heart and lung function. This helps improve the oxygen levels in your body which makes you feel more energetic.

How a physiotherapist can help

If you are recovering from an illness or injury and want to get back into a good exercise routine, you need to consult a good physiotherapist. The professional will advise you on which exercises will work best for you and get you back to your former activity levels quickly and safely. It’s important to find a skilled and experienced physiotherapist who can help you with your health and fitness goals.

We at Insync Physiotherapy have skilled and experienced physiotherapists on board and can provide excellent treatments and care. For any more information on the different types of services we provide, feel free to contact us on 02 9569 5145. You can also send us your queries via this online form.

Thanks for reading,
Insync Physiotherapy Team
02 9569 5145